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On 23 march 2012. there is seminar about " Lets Talk Arduino (Introduction to Microcontroller) at CR 226 by my supervisor , Sir Zulkifli Mahmoodin.

The poster

There have few of topic that been highlight during the talk :
  1.  Type of board
  2. How Arduino's function
  3. Sheilld
  4. Current price of board by type
  5. Programming

The color change by user 
After short explanation about Arduino, Sir had been demo in front of us how Arduino and Android be a best friend ever. Manually all the program been set on Arduino then been pair with Android.

The combination was great!
Test on the screen laptop
The picture show that after the code been upload into circuit and handphone. The it test directly to the simple circuit that been done. As a result, it show same color on LED.
The result is parallel to the instruction 
Display all three color.
Simple code bring all this out. Can u imaging how simple its. Even it is simple don't over estimate on it. When come to the truth final project it can go to disaster. Well from know on, let's try and error using Arduino. With some of data on internet and few of it in the sample maybe can be easy. Well bring it on Arduino. 


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