Poster Workshop

Arduino Memo on female hostel
Plan for whole day

The key point for this workshop is :
  1.         Introduction to Arduino
  2.         Setting up your Arduino Environment
  3.         First Arduino sketch
  4.         Making LEDs glow and blink
  5.         How to read buttons/switches
  6.         Analog Signals
  7.         Serial Communication
  8.         Digital Thermometer

Arduino can be sheild
Basic about Arduino it was open source and there no shilling or no limit to use it. This picture below there have many type of board that can be easy to use or hide on your board without notice it. The simple and easy to carry with variety port of it.

Variety type of Arduino board.

Orait, I know all of this had been talk at last talk but it give more understanding on it. Lets move forward to the program that been focus on it.
This is my basic kit that been provide to us.
Actually, I buy it from Ali that manage the program :)
Least go to the Arduino, inside this kit, their give us R3. It look like this : 
New Arduino Uno R3

Back of Arduino, if it R2 back of it is blue.
This is R2.
Now, I have the board, but don't forget that it not yet install. Who came to this workshop was lucky because their provide the  cd of installer to make your life easy. 
When come to the construct the circuit basic about it was electronic. 

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