On this week, testing using processing and try an error to get the best result for waveform.

The value of heartbeat display is the right range for normal person value during relaxation.

I canot upload the video because there have few problem during uploading, so there only a result can be

show here.

Been done on Mira, electrode been place on wrist

1st result that came out
During this time, the result is to small but the value of heart beat that display 80 bpm during relaxation is the

 right range on it for women.

2nd result using variable resistor to adjust
By using variable resistor, the amplitude of waveform suddenly increase of variable resistor. This show that it

have to amplifier more. On this stage I think amplifier is d best AD 620 but during my time goes to Jalan 

Pasar it already sold out.

Time is to limit, I cant reach if ordering online, Even the best of INA 128 will have gain 1000 , it was big

 value of gain to make ECG best part.

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