Basic heartbeat per minute for human  is..

  • Newborns (0 - 3 months old): 100 - 150 beats per minute
  • Infants (3 - 6 months old): 90 - 120 beats per minute
  • Infants (6 - 12 months old): 80 - 120 beats per minute
  • Children 1 - 10 years: 70 - 130 beats per minute
  • Children over 10 and adults (including seniors): 60 - 100 beats per minute
  • Well-trained athletes: 40 - 60 beats per minute 

when people exercise each of them have different heart beat. Even age also related on it. In this table, maximum heart beat can be detect per minute. Calculation for it.  MEASURE NOW ] . Simple measure by put two fingers on your neck or at your wrist and count per minute each beat. Then key in the value at calculation.


For the heart rate monitor circuit diagram . 

First, a description of how optical heart rate sensors work. Most kids have shined a flashlight through their fingers, or cheek, and seen the light glow through their flesh. It’s a spooky-cool thing to do even as an adult. What it shows is that we are semi transparent. Most of the light is absorbed or reflected by our organs and tissues (skin, bone, muscle, blood), but some light will pass through our tissues if they are thin enough. When blood is pumped through your body, it gets squeezed into the capillary tissues, and the volume of those tissues increases very slightly. Then, between heart beats, the volume decreases. The change in volume effects the amount of light that will transmit through. This fluctuation is very small, but we can sense it with electronics.  


Next slot will continue the way it flow to finish this project.....

Week 1 :

1st briefing of FYP S1'2011. 

Lecturer from FYP explain about how to make blog and proposal for next 2 week from now.

Seeking for adviser for FYP. 

                                 Sir Zulkifli Bin Mahmoodin.

                            LECTURER SECTION MEDICAL ELECTRONIC 
                                            UNIKL BMI  at LEVEL 5

                            MSc. in Mechatronics Engineering - Signal & Systems, IIUM (2005) 
                            B. Eng (Electrical & Electronics), Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK, (1999)
                             Higher National Diploma [HND] in Electronics Engineering

Seeking for project that need to be present to  

             Make a blog for FYP. 

Week 2 :

Seeking for FYP title and give feedback to Sir Zul.

                                               Adding and search for title 

2nd briefing FYP about how to create blog and learn how to plan FYP.

Week 3 :

Submit and discuss the FYP with Sir Zul.   

From here the title for my project been decide. 

The Graphical Heart Beat .

With some advise, Sir like to see progress on the research. Next week with introduction and problem that will be on FYP.

Meanwhile doing some research on lecture view on my FYP. Looking for example for proposal and learn to improve a bit about this blog.


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